Financial copywriter | Financial Services copywriting & content

Action-driven financial services copywriting. Engage, win trust, convert, close.

Back in the day, my first financial services copywriting brief was the consumer DM sales pack for IKEA’s new storecard. Since then, I’ve amassed experience across both the retail banking and B2B finance sectors. My folio includes retail and IFA copy for pensions, new mortgage launches, insurance, Foreign Exchange, personal loans, savings/investments (ISAs) and more. I’ve also worked with financial technology industry leaders to develop powerful, topical thought leadership commentary. The 6th Anti Money Laundering Directive, Bounce Back loans, Gambling affordability and the Regulatory challenges surrounding gambling are a few topics I’ve explored. Some of my finance copywriter samples follow.

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Financial services website copywriting, wishLockr.com



WISHLOCKR: website

No more awkward conversations

One thing in life is certain: at some point, it'll end. Hopefully that’s decades away. But occasionally the unexpected can happen. So make a plan: compile cherished memories, photos and a playlist. Set down your wishes and key contacts.

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Retail finance copy re-style, consumer guides, Bradford & Bingley



BRADFORD & BINGLEY: Retail guides

Let's look forward to an enjoyable retirement

What we don't need to tell you is that pension planning is a real priority. You've heard it a million times already. Instead, we'll simply explain - as simply as we can - the essentials you really need to know.

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NewWorld mortages consumer guides, Commonwealth Bank



COMMONWEALTH BANK: Retail launch guides

How much do you want to borrow?

New World lives in the real world. We know not everyone can afford, nor even wants to buy a home on a single income. Equally, not everyone is a permanent employee with years of service behind them. We take a realistic approach with our mortgage lending criteria.

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Mortgage podcasts, script and scenario development, Egg



EGG: mortgage podcasts

Over the next few minutes…

... I'm going to be talking to several people to find out precisely what they find confusing, giving them some clear guidance about what they should be thinking about faced with their own mortgage situation. Our first co-buyers are Suzy and Georgina...

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NewWorld mortages insurance guide, Commonwealth Bank



COMMONWEALTH BANK: NewWorld surance guide

Don't worry. We're looking out for you.

A mortgage is a long term financial commitment. How would you manage if you couldn't work because of an accident, illness or involuntary unemployment?

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