Approximately 520,000 people have autism spectrum disorders in the UK. With 12,000 members, a network of 60 branches and 80 partner organisations, The National Autistic Society (NAS) is the leading autism charity. Produced for the charity's staff and volunteers, this pocket guide, briefed by agency Drumfish, summarises the organisation's achievements, values, beliefs and future strategy. Arresting call-outs, engaging storytelling and a sensitive tone were just some of the skills needed to draft, develop and edit this piece.
- COPY DEVELOPMENT: Ian Castle, Freelance Copywriter
- CLIENT: Drumfish
Charity copywriting/editing sample: National Autistic Society pocket guide
The National Autistic Society provides advice, support and care to over 100,000 people affected by autism every year.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) champions the needs of those with autism and provides individual help, care and support.
The NAS is the UK’s leading autism charity. For more than four decades, our volunteers and staff have achieved incredible things. Today, the society is the leading UK service provider for people with autism, their parents and carers.
Our work helps build better lives. Our help is accessible wherever people live. There is much to do, but every day, we’re reaching still further.
And every day, we’re achieving even more.